Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Challenges are always in front of us

This past week has been a difficult one.  For a couple of reasons.  First and foremost stress.  It was one of those where I could feel my blood pressure rising.  And of course, I am, like many others a stress eater.  I think if I hadn't come as far as I have, I probably would have blown the whole week.  Made excuses and tried to get back on track this week.  Or blown 2 weeks.  Been there, done that... you know the rest.

I have to tell you.  I think hitting ONEderland last week help keep me grounded.  Not only did I not want to lose the hard work I have done.  I NEVER WANT TO SEE THE 200's AGAIN. And that kept me going.  I still jogged every day.  And for the first time in a while, there were days I didn't want to.  But I made the choice.  I was doing this.

Thankfully something else kept me going.  My cousin Val.  I could not let that woman beat me again this week in our challenge.  So on our new challenge,  Val won week 1.  I won week 2.  Onto week 3.

Carabram was this past weekend here in Brampton.  It was a let down yet again.  But of course we also ate at Carabram.  I did try to track my calories as best I could without knowing what exactly was in everything.  I had sausage, perogies, cabbage rolls and ono ono.  Oh my goodness.  Was going to have to work for all this.

Dalton and I went to the movies as well and shared a movie popcorn.  No butter.  But still.  All in all.  A lot of extra calories and things I would not normally touch.

With that said.  The scale still went down.  194.6.....another 1.8 lost!!!!  Very happy with that considering.  A couple things that are hard when eating out and you are not preparing the food.  Number 1 is the actual amount of calories you are eating.  Number 2 is how it is prepared, sodium, fat, oil, etc.  So I will happily take that 1.8 and add it to my total to make 53.4 pounds lost.  I am thrilled and never felt better.  My feet on the other hand.  lol.  I am in desperate need of a pedicure.

Till next time.  Be kind.


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

ONEderland!!!! Woo Hoo!!!

To say that I am a happy camper right now is an understatement.  With having our company golf day yesterday I weighed in a day early.  It's never good to weigh after a splurge day.  With that being said.  I ate very lean this week and kept my calories to about 1250 a day.  I jogged for an hour 4 days and 2 hours 2 days.  Really got my calorie deficit up.  I quite enjoy jogging and it's something I have not been able to since my very early 20's and I am actually better at it now since I smoked back then.

When I got on the scale yesterday morning.  I was thrilled!!!  ONEderland has arrived!!!!!  I lost 3.6 pounds this week.  Bringing my total so far to 51.6 pounds lost.  196.4 on the scale!  This is big for me.  I have not been able to get below 200 since about 2008.  I am so glad that I got the BodyMedia Armband.  It has really helped me stay on track and meet my goals.  Seeing the numbers in front of you not only take the guess work out.  But helps me push myself more.

I cleaned out my closet this past week as well.  What a great feeling to get rid of the size 20, 18 and some of the 16's.  And what is waiting for me is almost a whole new wardrobe.  When I was on my "weigh" down before I had started buying clothes the next couple sizes down.  So there are clothes with the tags still on them in the closet and in the drawers.  I can't wait till I am able to wear them.

I started a new challenge with my cousin Val this week as well.  And guess what?  She beat me this week.  Bugger!!!  Can't let her do that again!  Watch out couz!!!  I am coming.

For anyone that would like to purchase the armband I have included the link here.  Or message me with your email and I will email it to you.

Till next week.  Be Kind.


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Breaking the Barrier

This week was a very important week for me.  They all are.  But this one especially.  When I first started on this journey a few years ago I was losing and doing quite well at it.  I had dropped 46.5 pounds and that was it.  I just could not get past it and eventually started gaining again.  NOT THIS TIME!!!!

With that said.  It was going to be a difficult week to get through with Canada Day Long weekend and a couple of BBQ's that I had been invited to.  If you have been reading my journey.  You know that I don't believe in depriving yourself.  NOT OF ANYTHING!!!!  A piece of cake, wings, beer etc.  However, it's within reason.  And I know I have to work for it.

My plan over this this past long weekend, hoping to do some damage control in regards to the food and drinks I was going to consume.  Simply put.  Work my A** off!  And that I did.  Before the BBQ on Saturday I jogged for 2 Hours.  And again on Sunday for 2 Hours before that BBQ.  By the time I arrived at the BBQ on Sunday I could barely move to get a beer.  Every time I got up from the chair I winced.  I was quite the site.  Needless to say, I was so sore Sunday I could not move.  I had a veg day but my body needed it.  It was telling me enough.  Then Tuesday rolled around and I was worried about the scale this morning.  So, I took 2 Advil and jogged for another hour.

My running joke lately....Advil Liquid Caps, Breakfast of Champions.

Let me tell you.  I earned every Ounce I lost this week.  This has been my hardest week so far.  I had a barrier I had to break through on a week that I was going to and did enjoy myself.  With that said.  I managed to drop 1.8 Pounds.  Very happy with that.  I BROKE THROUGH THE BARRIER!!!!!  48 POUNDS LOST!!!!!  And I am 1 pound away from ONEderland.  And I just cannot wait!!!!

This past week I have met a couple of fantabulous ladies that wanted to hear how I have been doing this and I was only too happy to share.  I can't even explain the feeling when I was told that I was truly inspiring.  My heart swelled.  Thank you.  Not only is this about me.  IT'S ABOUT YOU TOO!!!!!  If I help even 1 person get through their journey.  I would be THRILLED!!!!  If any of you out there want to know more.  I am more than willing to chat with you.  Just let me know.

With that said.  It's time for another week.  Another Challenge.  But I know you will hear from me before Wednesday again.  As soon as I see ONEderland.  You will all know!

Till next time.  Be Kind.
