Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Breaking the Barrier

This week was a very important week for me.  They all are.  But this one especially.  When I first started on this journey a few years ago I was losing and doing quite well at it.  I had dropped 46.5 pounds and that was it.  I just could not get past it and eventually started gaining again.  NOT THIS TIME!!!!

With that said.  It was going to be a difficult week to get through with Canada Day Long weekend and a couple of BBQ's that I had been invited to.  If you have been reading my journey.  You know that I don't believe in depriving yourself.  NOT OF ANYTHING!!!!  A piece of cake, wings, beer etc.  However, it's within reason.  And I know I have to work for it.

My plan over this this past long weekend, hoping to do some damage control in regards to the food and drinks I was going to consume.  Simply put.  Work my A** off!  And that I did.  Before the BBQ on Saturday I jogged for 2 Hours.  And again on Sunday for 2 Hours before that BBQ.  By the time I arrived at the BBQ on Sunday I could barely move to get a beer.  Every time I got up from the chair I winced.  I was quite the site.  Needless to say, I was so sore Sunday I could not move.  I had a veg day but my body needed it.  It was telling me enough.  Then Tuesday rolled around and I was worried about the scale this morning.  So, I took 2 Advil and jogged for another hour.

My running joke lately....Advil Liquid Caps, Breakfast of Champions.

Let me tell you.  I earned every Ounce I lost this week.  This has been my hardest week so far.  I had a barrier I had to break through on a week that I was going to and did enjoy myself.  With that said.  I managed to drop 1.8 Pounds.  Very happy with that.  I BROKE THROUGH THE BARRIER!!!!!  48 POUNDS LOST!!!!!  And I am 1 pound away from ONEderland.  And I just cannot wait!!!!

This past week I have met a couple of fantabulous ladies that wanted to hear how I have been doing this and I was only too happy to share.  I can't even explain the feeling when I was told that I was truly inspiring.  My heart swelled.  Thank you.  Not only is this about me.  IT'S ABOUT YOU TOO!!!!!  If I help even 1 person get through their journey.  I would be THRILLED!!!!  If any of you out there want to know more.  I am more than willing to chat with you.  Just let me know.

With that said.  It's time for another week.  Another Challenge.  But I know you will hear from me before Wednesday again.  As soon as I see ONEderland.  You will all know!

Till next time.  Be Kind.


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